
  • Being Able to Answer Stupid Questions

    One of my favorite things about knowing how to program is the ability it gives me to do really stupid things. Not like, hacking the government or stealing money or anything, just satisfy my brain’s silly curiosity.

  • Quality of Life Aliases

    One of the things that I miss most about working in an office with coworkers is knowledge sharing.

  • Adding Pagination to a Jekyll Blog

    Jekyll’s documentation is overall pretty solid, but each time I do something I always feel like there’s one or two things I wish I’d known. So each time I modify this blog, I’ll probably write a post that’s essentially “what I wish I’d had when I set out to do x”

  • Debugging a Broken Reddit

    While working on my last post about running Tampermonkey on Reddit I came across a bug that I though was worth posting about.

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